Friday, June 24, 2011

Libertarianism and Individual Freedom

I identify myself as a "Libertarian". A Libertarian is sometimes described as fiscally conservative and socially liberal. The Libertarian party is not stemmed from either of these. Especially now because "Conservatives" and "Liberals" no longer exist. The party line is blurred to the point where there is no longer a definition for either of them. And frankly, it doesn't matter. What's fascinating is that the general public seems to think a Libertarian is an extremist or a tea party nutjob. Our founders were Libertarian. Libertarianism's main principle is LIBERTY. Personal freedom is all that matters.

Now having said that freedom is for every individual. You are completely capable and within your legal limits to believe anything and everything you want. You should be able to do what you want when you want, as long as no other individual or individuals are effected by it. "NO VICTIM, NO CRIME".

"What does this really mean?" you may ask...

Say you (an individual) prefers writing notes in pencil, but John (another individual) believes writing in pen is better because it is more legible. Your argument is that if you make a mistake you can correct it which you cannot do with a pen as easily. Your professor steps in the discussion and asks each of you to present why you should use one or the other.Then your teacher makes the decision that the whole class and every class from now on must write in pen.

This is an example of someone taking away your right to choose. Although you may think it is not a big deal the government does this everyday. Where did the Professor get the authority to tell you what kind of writing utensil to use? Did the student body have a say in this? What about his future classes? You may be asking well what kind of class is this? A math class would better off using a pencil or a journalism class may be better off using a pen.... It does not matter what you think someone else should or should not do. As long as the Professor is able to read the paper or problem then it is up to you to decide what type of utensil to use.

This is somewhat of a weak analogy but the others may be too controversial to start with. I know people want to help each other and people what to do what is morally "right". But who are you to say what is right and what is wrong? If someone is hurting someone else, or robbing someone else... then yes that person should be held accountable because there are victims in these examples. But if you want to certify yourself to carry a gun on you at all times, purely for the sake of self defense or even a random hunting trip out in the woods. If you have the correct experience to do this and you're not hurting anyone in the process, it is your right to carry your gun. (This is what I meant by controversial) Now I am sure you're thinking a lot of "what ifs" right now. Which is natural, but it is important to remember that every person is held responsible for themselves. As we start to pile on these laws for gun control, eventually the FBI will be going into each and every registered gun-owners home to make sure they comply with a thousand regulations to own the damn thing. Then you have the state AND local laws on top of that... It's never ending and nearly impossible to be fully aware of.

My own opinion is that guns are dangerous and I wish they were never created and firearms and explosives never existed... but that's unrealistic I know, I am just stating my opinion. It doesn't mean that the President should hear me and a handful of other citizens and then make it so.... No guns firearms or explosives anymore in America! No that does not work... but that is what's happening. Slowly but surely the military and cops will be the only ones able to carry guns because Susie and Jill down the street found out Jake owned a gun and they were scared that their children would get shot. Even though Jake may have never needed to take the gun out of his holster and he has been certified by the state to carry a gun. It baffles me that Susie and Jill would think for one second that Officer Bill is anymore qualified than Jake to own a gun. He isn't.

That's just another example of the infringement of your rights. States should have the ability to write legislation for their citizens without the Federal Government coming in to put their spin on what they think is right. This can be applied to thousands of examples. I don't even know how the Federal Government keeps up with all these regulations???!!!! Oh that's right they don't, and they can't. It would be IMPOSSIBLE to enforce all of these things. On average the American citizen commits 3 felonies a day. Most of which they didn't even know about! And this is why repealing and taking a step backwards.... is ironically the only way this country can move forward! It's crazy!!

So if ya give a hoot about keeping your freedoms ya gotta remember that other people deserve freedom as much as you do in this country, but you have to know what Freedom means... and all the responsibilities that come with it. It's not easy admitting that you push your own opinions on others and most of us don't even realize we are doing it, until it's too late. And then there will be backlash. None of us will be able to do anything without having multiple people constantly looking over our shoulders.

One last example... super controversial!!! Are you excited? I know I am!

Ok, we are in Iraq... duh. We are trying to "help" the citizens establish control of their country and spread democracy throughout the land. When a person says, "We are helping them, we did it so they can have the same rights as us and if we pull out now everything will fall apart! What about the women and children that are abused and treated terribly? What about that!?"

I feel the sympathy. I really wish that we could help everyone and bring justice to all those that have wronged others. This is unrealistic (kinda like my stance on gun control : ). In 1910 women did something extraordinary in this country. They went from being housewives and mothers and standing behind their men to demanding the right to be heard, demanding equality! It took a while but by god we got it done... with a few snags along the way. And nothing is ever perfect, especially when it comes to bringing about social change. The point of this is that people... individuals, will eventually band together for a common cause because they can no longer take it! Like women's suffrage, Apartheid, The Civil Rights Movement, and countless other internal battles. This is how people bring about change. Who came to our rescue when we were changing our social structure? I can't think of ANY specific country that sent MILITARY into our country to bring about social change... These are internal battles, of which each country must have on their own. All we can do is be a good example. People helping people is always a good thing if the help is wanted... but the Government does not help people, it pushes people. And as long as people are forced to do something the more angry they will get. Americans should know this all too well. The Government should be there to protect our rights and civil liberties, not put yet another heavy weight on our shoulders. Constantly having to watch your back and hope you're not doing anything wrong.

What makes me super annoyed is when I am driving down the road and I pass a cop. I could LITERALLY be doing everything right (or so I thought) and still be worried I am going to get pulled over ESPECIALLY in California lol. That just sucks. It really does. And they can pull you over for pretty much anything... You could have a decal on your back window, or stop too quickly, go too slow! It is just crazy! I don't know, hopefully I made my point! Thanks for reading and please do leave so comments!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Quoting the future of America

"A patriot is an individual that is willing to stand up to one's own government when that government is wrong."
-Congressman Ron Paul

This is the product of our generation's anger towards what has become of our country and I think it's fascinating. This is a response to someone who was arguing with a status (facebook) regarding the 10 patriots in congress that sued President Obama for unlawfully going into acts of war with Libya. This is patriot Graig Turson's response...

"Most in the older generation are too accustomed to the lifestyles they have known throughout their existence. It really isn't their fault, as in the case of my Aunt and cousin. They are just unable to view the complexities ...of the problems we face. They can no longer be addressed along the same lines we have continued down for the past 30-40 years. The future is ours, and I have great faith in our ability to steer the conversation towards the proper solutions if we remain vigilant. The brush-fires of liberty are burning and there is nothing that can retard their eventual progress. "

The next passage is regarding a comment made by Anthony Caico that was taken out of context as a "God Complex" what he said,    "We can only save those who choose to see."

 Without having to think too hard I can assume he is trying to say, 'We can only save those who choose to see (everything, not just what they have been conditioned to see their entire lives.)'

Graig Turson:

"Instead of it being a "God complex" (being a non-believer I am not even sure what that means) its more of what psychologists call the "normalcy bias." The normalcy bias is defined as a group of people's inablity to forsee consequences that have never been experienced in their lifetime. Most are unable to think outside the proverbial box even when faced with the dire conditions we presently find ourselves in. It's blind faith that everything will be ok, i.e. the currency can't collapse, martial law cannot be implented, things of this nature. As evidenced on this thread people cannot even apply the laws uniformly when the party blinders are in front of their eyes. As situations continue to get worse, and as night follows day they will, more people will be forced awake. Many will remain stuck in normalcy bias, however. It is to the youth that this nation now must turn for its answers, the older generation have spent us into oblivion in the blind belief that it is proper to use the government to loot from their fellow citizens and that it is proper to push off onto future generations the burdens of heavy taxation so they could live it up for the few meager benefits they enjoy today. It is a trend we must reverse, and with even just a shred of luck we shall succeed. We just have to keep talking and forcing facts in front of people. I salute you good sir! Party time in August is fast approaching =)"
If you would like to know more about this leave a comment. If you disagree or agree or have no idea what is happening in this, leave a  comment. I say this all the time... QUESTION and you shall know the answers, without questioning there is only ignorance and the spawn of that ignorance and so on and so forth. I will do my best to explain it like Graig would want me to. This is just one of many examples of the youth of America coming forward and having REAL opinions backed by deep intellectual thought and study. This is our future and I LOVE it! More to come... these Turson boys know whats up and I am sure they would love to teach anyone and everyone their philosophies and try to inform them as much as possible, but if you have an argument with what they say you better be damn well informed. They will debunk just about anything you ever thought was the truth and they have the sources to back it up.
I am not sure of the reference for August but I am sure they have something interesting up their sleeves regarding the general message we are so desperately trying to convey. This is the future people! Get used to it because as long as we go on doing what we have been doing for the past century in this country this movement will grow with time and eventually none of this war and bigotry will matter anymore. Either America will never BE again.. or America will be what it was meant to be. An EQUAL nation, inalienable rights, THE CONSTITUTION. We all have access to this document, check it out for free on
P.S. I will be quoting the Turson boys quite a bit from now on because all they have is a plethora of knowledge and I feel it is moving, eloquent, and relevant to the movement and the message I and many Americans are trying to convey.

Also IF you actually are interested in learning about economics or the Constitution or even maybe the candidates backgrounds BEFORE you vote for them, please feel free to add me on facebook, I post alot of resources on there as do many of my Facebook friends or Twitter or Youtube. Don't neglect knowledge, knowledge may be all we have anymore. I also encourage you to disagree with these things and go look up an alternative that seems like more your point of view. These differences are what makes America great and we must all have a say in what this country is about. But without sources and knowledge to back it up you have no argument and will never be taken seriously. I am working on this too. Growing my knowledge base and questioning everything. It has really made me feel a sense of purpose, and it will do the same for you.
Go Ron Paul!!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Climate Change"

I am not an expert but I do know a bit about this theory of "Global Warming". Regardless of your stance on the issue it is obvious our world is going through some changes, but scientifically "Global Warming" is the idea that things just progressively get worse as they have in the last 60 or 70 years that we have recorded. This is simply not true. Of course the world is going to go through climate change. The way Earth moves and the effects of gravity and moving continents are going to constantly change! We can't stop this... It's really not up to us. According to studies there was a catastrophic event that changed the dwellers of Earth. These dwellers are better known as "Dinosaurs"... These dinosaurs were wiped out by this "explosion", which was theoretically a large mass that hit the Earth and caused the Ice Age. The only living things that survived were micro-organisms that were frozen in time, once thawed("Global Warming") they went through the process of Evolution. There was another Ice Age after that and this had to occur again.... (sorry for the sarcasm but alot of people don't know this!) you see, the Theory of "Global Warming" has no real merit in society. Everyone should just stop using this term because it is misleading. Of course there is climate change and one day there WILL be another Ice Age and yet again this process will start over creating some other incredible species we can't even fathom. It's about the Earth and our Universe going through cycles, constantly changing and forever being an incredible mystery to explore.

What we can do, however, is lower our impact on the environment. We may not cause climate change on our own but we sure as hell aren't helping matters much by ignoring it. One of the arguments I would use to implement Environmental Awareness throughout the World is the fact that we are urbanized. Every large city must make it a social obligation to be respectful of the air we breathe (and that has nothing to do with the federal government, if a city wants to run its citizens out of the area, then pollute all ya can because they obviously don't give a crap about the future of their city). My argument so I wouldn't have to quit smoking always was, "I bet you get more pollutants in your body driving to and from work everyday with your window cracked than I get from this cigarette." That usually shuts them up, BUT we should all be conscious of eachother's air. (I, of course, encourage everyone to quit smoking as soon as possible, my argument may get people off my back but my body isn't too happy with what I am doing to it.).... ok i went on a tangent, back to my point. Clean air, fresh air is obviously better. I LOVE that some buildings in Manhatten are putting gardens and full self-sustaining farms on the roofs! That's so awesome, and it is thinking like that that will save us from our own pollution. Oil and coal have been our main sources of energy for over a century. This is not bad because we don't have enough of it. We have plenty of it here underneath our very own feet. America is rich in minerals and oil and everything we need to not rely on someone else somewhere else who none of us even know or see or vote on or anything. It's all here!! But that doesn't make it good or healthy. My point is that it doesn't matter if we are drilling here or elsewhere there are still underlying issues that won't be resolved until we completely change our entire concept of useful energy and self-sustainment. I don't want to rely on ANYONE to run my car or feed me. I should have the RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITY to govern my own body and my own life. This goes for other countries with tyrant leaders and our federal government.  The saying goes you treat someone like a child their whole life they are going to act like a child their whole life. There is another saying that I really like "No Victim, No Crime" this involves us as citizens taking responsibility for ourselves and our families and doing what we can to live the original American Dream. If I am coddled my entire life by the Federal Government I will NEVER break free from it's chains. We have become reliant on these people that we are suppose to vote into office to govern every aspect of our lives. Don't allow this to happen. You don't need bailouts or rediculous housing or student loans. These things put you in debt which is this country's new form of slavery. We are slaves to debt, and we are controlled by them because they hang this black cloud of shame over us known as interest.

So basically, recycle, drive less, maybe buy a plant and be the change you want to see in the world. This topic is contraversial, so if you disagree or have a valid point that is backed by facts then please let me know, I am ALL ears. And I encourage those who read this to research these things. So that you too can inform the masses of this and spread the message of information. I have 2 goals in my life. 1.To create new energy for America for self sustainment. 2. If I get even a few to seek out the answers that we all wonder about but come up with excuses as to why we don't just look it up, then I will have changed this world for the better, one google search or youtube video at a time. The internet is the last thing we have in this world that isn't censored and we should take advantage of all of the various ideas and groups that are on here.

Google it!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Republican Debate

Well I just watched the debate and I have a good feeling about the individuals that are running this year. In my somewhat biased opinion I of course favor Ron Paul. The best quote from the debate from him was when he was responding to a question about how he would bring the troops home. After the other candidates talked about deliberating with the military leaders and coming to a consenses on when it is time to leave and where we could leave and where should go, etc Ron Paul said;
 "I wouldn't wait for my Generals, I am Commander in Chief! I tell the Generals what to do and I'd bring them home as quickly as possible and I'd get them out of Iraq as well and I wouldn't start a war in Libya, I'd quit bombing Yemen and I'd quit bombing Pakistan... I'd start taking care of people here at home because we could save hundreds of billions of dollars. Our national security is NOT enhanced by our presence over there.We have no purpose there we should learn the lessons of history. The longer we're there the worse things are (going to get) and we are in more danger as well, our presence there is not making friends. Let me tell ya..."

This is a beautifully candid response and I am impressed but at the same time disheartened that Ron Paul is the ONLY viable candidate running that has the BALLS to say these things. I also strongly believe he would follow through on all of his promises. First day in office he would start making these executive decisions and delegating the power back to the citizens and the Congress. This brings up another topic, local elections are just as, if not more, crucial than the presidential elections. If you don't vote for your representatives, council members, judges, governors, etc then you are allowing other people to make that decision for you. Which is not a terrible thing, many people don't participate in voting or even learning about political issues because alot of people have given up any hope they may have once had for this country. I will admit I have had this same problem. I have yet to vote in any local election. My voting record consists of Ron Paul in the general election in 08' and then when he didn't make it I voted for McCain in the Primary. That in itself presents a whole other array of issues.

This is, however, an expression of my ever evolving opinions and knowledge.The more I learn about all of my interests then the better my opinions will be. Educating yourself is a beautiful thing. And in this day in age we (as human beings) have no excuse to be ill-informed about anything. We can be under the wrong impression, but that's fine you just further your knowledge and eventually build a viable opinion later. I will be the first to admit I know nothing about a certain subject so I will have to inform myself before making an opinion. That's why we have Google  : ) So I guess to sum up the purpose of this specific entry, I just wanted to touch on the debate and I also wanted to encourage all the people who come across this to remember, every person is an individual. This fact is what makes us progress and evaluate newways of thinking. Take it upon yourself to use your individuality and express it. Knowledge quite litterally is power, not money, or friends, or material possesions. It's within you to be and do whatever you want. But you have to reach out and grab it, cuz it's not going to fall in your lap.

Thanks for Reading! I am not a journalist so punctuation and grammar aren't my strongest suites.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Subjects I will speak on

1. Moving to New Hampshire
2. Getting out of the Military
3. Why I have a love/hate relationship with the military
4. My attempt to become more Environmentally conscious
5. Idealistic Me
6. New Energy concepts
7. Ranting about the Government
8. Things that make me smile
9. The great conversations
10. Books I am attempting to read
11. Writing a book?
12. My relationships with others
13. Jacque Fresco
14. Religion/ Myths
15. The End of the World
16. Living in California
17. Financial woes
18. Economy
19. Gold/ investing/ house?
20. unemployment/welfare
21. Music
22. Revolutionaries
23. Quitting smoking
24. Materialism
25. Diet/ Workng out
26. Racism
27. Marijuana/Drug War
28. Policing the World
29. Exploring the Constitution
30. "Class Systems"
31. Philosophy
32. Corporations
33. Wars
34. Ron Paul
35. Concepts (general)
36. Cooking/Baking
37. Movies
38. Love
39. Hate
40. Success