Monday, June 13, 2011

Republican Debate

Well I just watched the debate and I have a good feeling about the individuals that are running this year. In my somewhat biased opinion I of course favor Ron Paul. The best quote from the debate from him was when he was responding to a question about how he would bring the troops home. After the other candidates talked about deliberating with the military leaders and coming to a consenses on when it is time to leave and where we could leave and where should go, etc Ron Paul said;
 "I wouldn't wait for my Generals, I am Commander in Chief! I tell the Generals what to do and I'd bring them home as quickly as possible and I'd get them out of Iraq as well and I wouldn't start a war in Libya, I'd quit bombing Yemen and I'd quit bombing Pakistan... I'd start taking care of people here at home because we could save hundreds of billions of dollars. Our national security is NOT enhanced by our presence over there.We have no purpose there we should learn the lessons of history. The longer we're there the worse things are (going to get) and we are in more danger as well, our presence there is not making friends. Let me tell ya..."

This is a beautifully candid response and I am impressed but at the same time disheartened that Ron Paul is the ONLY viable candidate running that has the BALLS to say these things. I also strongly believe he would follow through on all of his promises. First day in office he would start making these executive decisions and delegating the power back to the citizens and the Congress. This brings up another topic, local elections are just as, if not more, crucial than the presidential elections. If you don't vote for your representatives, council members, judges, governors, etc then you are allowing other people to make that decision for you. Which is not a terrible thing, many people don't participate in voting or even learning about political issues because alot of people have given up any hope they may have once had for this country. I will admit I have had this same problem. I have yet to vote in any local election. My voting record consists of Ron Paul in the general election in 08' and then when he didn't make it I voted for McCain in the Primary. That in itself presents a whole other array of issues.

This is, however, an expression of my ever evolving opinions and knowledge.The more I learn about all of my interests then the better my opinions will be. Educating yourself is a beautiful thing. And in this day in age we (as human beings) have no excuse to be ill-informed about anything. We can be under the wrong impression, but that's fine you just further your knowledge and eventually build a viable opinion later. I will be the first to admit I know nothing about a certain subject so I will have to inform myself before making an opinion. That's why we have Google  : ) So I guess to sum up the purpose of this specific entry, I just wanted to touch on the debate and I also wanted to encourage all the people who come across this to remember, every person is an individual. This fact is what makes us progress and evaluate newways of thinking. Take it upon yourself to use your individuality and express it. Knowledge quite litterally is power, not money, or friends, or material possesions. It's within you to be and do whatever you want. But you have to reach out and grab it, cuz it's not going to fall in your lap.

Thanks for Reading! I am not a journalist so punctuation and grammar aren't my strongest suites.

1 comment:

Traci Walters said...

Very impressive writing, Monica! I look forward to your future posts!